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Australis Mate 1.6

Australis Mate 1.6 L.T.S

Is developed here in AustraLia by meyself (jay Conway) and co developer Jesse Avalos.Australis Lts mate edition is built from the L.T.S core of Ubuntu 12.04. We hope to provide an out of the box experience for the new linux users and current with added stability of the Long term support mode.Also keeping a modern slick clean look.

Stock mate.Boring

Australis Mate 1.6



A fast stable working O.S with a stunning modern look. No boring O.S here a pleasure to use and to look at. This Distro is pre- loaded with many apps, Handbrake, chrome, Firefox, Sm player, Conky app, Cairo,Birdie,Geary,Qbittorent,screen cloud,Skype,Mumble,Radio tray,Kazam,and many more.

We have spent many days and hours making this one best out of the Boxexperiences.Fast and Snappy. Welcome to the Australis World.

Please help with Donations if possible keep ours wife's happy. Cheers , Jesse Avalos & Jay Conway 

For australis questions find us on Google +
Under  Eye Candy Linux 

App List


:Gnome pie
:Variety wallpaper changer
:Libre office Full suite
:Conkyllia ( many conkys added)
:pulse Audio
:Sm Player & Youtube player
:Mtp support for Android phones
:Grub Customizer
:Ubuntu Tweak
:Bleach bit
:Radio tray
:Disk Utilty
:Image shack uploaded



Australis is 32 bit O.S Only

login is  (   linux  )
Password ( just hit Enter)

Download Link for this Install

Virtual Box friendly ISo 


only for this iso  Link

user name is  linux

password (  12  )

To find the install option go the main bar  go to Places and to Desktop and you will see the Install option. Cheers, Jesse

Jay conway email


Jesse Avalos Email


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